V-J Day Kiss was captured on August 14th, 1941, the day they announced WWII was over. Well, today I had the pleasure of meeting that young woman from the photo, Edith Shain, who is now 90 years old and still rockin'.

My interview with her will air next Monday on Mahalo Daily. But, in the meantime, here are a couple photos MJG and I got with her today.

If you don't know the story behind this photo, you definitely need to tune in next Monday and hear Edith recount it for you! Adorable! This woman is amazing. Truly a pleasure to meet her.
I also had the sincere honor to meet Leonard "Lucky" Brugnola, who is a WWII, Pearl Harbor survivor (today marks the 67th anniversary of the Attack on Pearl Harbor). My interview with him will also be in next Monday's show. Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture, but I'll just have to grab a screen shot at work this week...
Are you veteran? Know someone who is? Share your story here on The Dealio. Thanks to all our service men and women who sacrifice(d) their lives for our freedom. A special thanks to their families, as well, for the sacrifices they make with a family member in the service.
Especially look forward to this interview. Always liked that photo.