Alright Toledoans. I've been introduced to a little place I think you should all try out sometime. On Broadway near the Hi-Level bridge there is a little Mexican grocery store called
San Marco. Go inside, pass all the cool imports and groceries, and take a seat at their lunch counter. You will have a fabulous Mexican meal for dirt cheap. Spread the word.

After lunch, why don't you pick up some cool gear and fresh produce or meat from the carniceria? San Marco is super authentic and delicious.

The lunch counter. We all tried the vegetarian quesadillas. So, so good. And only $3.50!

It ain't fancy. But it's yummy, clean, and affordable. For me - that's all that matters!

Three very satisfied customers: Me (straight from the salon), Nadia, and Jen. Be sure to try the
horchata, which is an icy, cool refreshing cinnamon infused rice milk - it's worth stopping by just for that!
Wow. Making me hungry and missing my home town as well (New Haven, CT). If in Toledo will try San Marco.