Friday, February 19, 2010

wacky laws

i got to be in a casual friday episode with @mememolly. check it out! so much fun - i think you'll like the ending...regarding the ball and ice cream cone: ask me how many takes we had before we got them right...


  1. Awesome episode XD! I couldn't stop smiling ever since i've seen it (which was about 5 minutes ago...). I bet you must have had tons of fun shooting it! especially the parts with the ball and the ice cream cone ;). oh yeah, about that, how many takes did you have for those parts to get them right ;p? any way, keep up the good stuff, and don't get arrested over stupid laws! (but I dont think that will be too hard to prevent ;))

  2. seriously how many times did it take to get the last 2 seconds right ?!
    and what did u do to molly ?? we want the behind the scenes videos :)

    Good one leah :)

  3. lol LEAH ur crazy lol
