You gotta know musician Geoff Smith. He's awesome. Here's a bit of his story.
Part I
Part II
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Geoff Smith, Part I and II
geoff smith,
leah d'emilio,
leah demilio,
the dealio,
Bijoy Goswami and Bootstrapping
Bijoy offers an interesting perspective on business models and starting your own business. Check out his book, The Human Fabric, to learn more about how recognizing MRE (Maven-Relater-Evangelist) personalities can help you have a successful business. And while you're at it, check out his organization, Bootstrap Austin.
leah d'emilio,
leah demilio,
the dealio,
the human fabric
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
What Really Happened with AT&T @ SXSW
Chris Hughes and Patrick Asher gave me the real dealio on how they fixed AT&T for the festival.
chris hughes,
leah d'emilio,
leah demilio,
patrick asher,
the dealio
Video Marketing Expo - May 13th
Chris Justice is excited to be a part of VMX in Austin, TX on May 13, 2009. This expo will advise you on how to produce and market video content for the web. Special guests include Brigitte Dale, Ingrid Vanderveldt "iV" and more. Details about the expo HERE.
brigitte dale,
chris justice,
ingrid vanderveldt,
leah d'emilio,
leah demilio,
the dealio,
video marketing expo,
$20,000 from
Say hello to Bryan Mennell from and enter their contest asap for your chance to win $20,000 for your start-up company.
Tryin' on a Cowboy Hat
Maybe I'll buy one next year.
allans boots,
cowboy hat,
leah d'emilio,
leah demilio,
the dealio
Causecast at Allan's Boots
leah d'emilio,
leah demilio,
the dealio
Italian Ice from Italyum
The pomegranate was a little too sweet for me, but refreshing nevertheless. Poor Michael was being attacked by bees. Stop by his stand if you're cruising out of Allan's Boots.
italian ice,
leah d'emilio,
leah demilio,
the dealio
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Uncommon Objects
Be sure to stop in if you're ever in Austin, TX.
leah d'emilio,
leah demilio,
the dealio,
uncommon objects
The Pregnant Uterus $25
Not sure why you would buy this.
leah d'emilio,
leah demilio,
the dealio,
uncommon objects,
In Spirit of St. Patrick's Day
Uncommon Objects never fails.
leah d'emilio,
leah demilio,
st. patrick's day,
the dealio,
uncommon objects
King Chris and a Sexy Bra
Uncommon Objects was very entertaining.
leah d'emilio,
leah demilio,
the dealio,
uncommon objects
Hangin' with
leah d'emilio,
leah demilio,
the dealio
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
My New YouTube Channel - Please SUBSCRIBE!
Please subscribe to The Dealio with D'Emilio on YouTube for more great videos! Thanks!
leah d'emilio,
leah demilio,
the dealio,
Sexy on the Street Corner - Austin, TX
Ow, ow.
leah d'emilio,
leah demilio,
street corner,
the dealio,
Get Off Your Asses!
Finally, my technology is working...I need a better setup...videos that I'm posting from SXSW are quick and unedited--not enough time to get to everything and edit video--so please roll with punches here...anyway, here's a quick interview with Carlos from the whrrl party Monday night at SXSW. Be sure to sign up for the Geek Bike Ride!
bike ride,
leah d'emilio,
leah demilio,
the dealio
Internet Problems
Hey everybody - having lots of internet issues here - consequently no videos up yet...but stay tuned...I have a plan for tomorrow...
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Please Welcome the Kodak Zi6
Thanks for all your suggestions on video cameras! After much debate, I decided on the Kodak Zi6. It came down to the fact that I can use rechargeable batteries and bigger memory cards. Looking forward to showing you what I can do with it - yehaw, Texas, here we come!

What video camera do you use/want to buy and why?

What video camera do you use/want to buy and why?
Friday, March 13, 2009
Party It Up!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Motivation to Finish
Run #4 - I was really thirsty this morning...I absolutely love Trader Joe's water - I think it tastes better than all the fancy stuff.

What's your favorite water? Share it here on the Dealio!

What's your favorite water? Share it here on the Dealio!
half marathons,
leah d'emilio,
leah demilio,
rose bowl,
the dealio,
trader joes,
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I Run Hard... hard sometimes that I fall. Today was run #3 at the Rose Bowl and I decided to push for 6 miles. I'm getting ready for a half marathon at the end of April, so I figured I should start breaking out of my 3 mile comfort zone. It was an absolutely perfect afternoon for running. Great weather, not too crowded, and I felt motivated to keep going no matter what.
Now I have all these different mental games that I play with myself when I run - little mantras, scenarios, etc - and sometimes near the end of a run, I get crazy and decide to sprint as fast as I can. Well today I had one of those moments where I was about to do something great and then tripped on a reflector and fell HARD on both my knees. After shouting a few expletives I got up said thanks to those who asked if I was ok and sprinted to my car. Emergency towel served a greater purpose today. Here's the damage:

Above: right knee; below: left

What do you like to do for physical activity? Ever run a half? Whats your best "embarassing" sport injury story? Share it here on the Dealio!
Now I have all these different mental games that I play with myself when I run - little mantras, scenarios, etc - and sometimes near the end of a run, I get crazy and decide to sprint as fast as I can. Well today I had one of those moments where I was about to do something great and then tripped on a reflector and fell HARD on both my knees. After shouting a few expletives I got up said thanks to those who asked if I was ok and sprinted to my car. Emergency towel served a greater purpose today. Here's the damage:

Above: right knee; below: left

What do you like to do for physical activity? Ever run a half? Whats your best "embarassing" sport injury story? Share it here on the Dealio!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Conquering Writers Block
I was recently asked how I personally deal with writers block/creative struggle. Here is an answer I wrote a couple months ago to the same question on Mahalo Answers:
I believe that writer's block/artist's block are real issues and not just excuses to not work on a project. When someone finds a "hiccup" in their creative work, I believe it stems from over thinking/over working on a project, concept, etc. I agree with what the others have written about taking a break from, or working through these moments as good solutions - rather than completely abandoning a project.
A good example of "writer's block" is the film, Adaptation, written by Charlie and Donald Kaufman. Nicolas Cage's performance as Charlie (and Donald) Kaufman really illustrates the difficulties and frustrations writers (and in my opinion creative people) go through.
It's definitely a psychological thing - to burn out, doubt ones ideas, get stuck, be indecisive, etc.
There are several different solutions I have for myself when I'm creatively blocked:
1) Stop working on the project and sit in silence somewhere peaceful, letting my mind wander. I can't tell you how many times this has worked for me to break through the barriers. Sometimes there is just too much noise going around in my head, but if I am still for awhile the ideas flow. Definitely my #1 solution.
2) Take a break from the project and play music. I play piano/guitar, so sometimes just zoning out on playing music helps me get my brain back on track.
3) Talking about the ideas with others. Sometimes hearing other people talk about what I'm trying to do inspires a new idea or confirms an old one. This technique has helped me quite often.
4) Sucking it up and pushing forward. Depending on the project, sometimes I just push through the "block" and hope that eventually I'll get to the good stuff. This is hard to do, but it has worked on some occasions. Mostly on writing projects.
5) Reviewing old work or others work as inspiration. Darcy mentioned this one, as well, and it's worth writing here again. Sometimes I have found pieces of gold in old pages/old music that bring new roads of creativity. Same with others work. Seeing/reading/hearing what others have produced can be refreshing and reset a one track mind that doesn't seem to be going anywhere that it needs to be.
6) Running. Rather than sitting still, sometimes going for a long, hard run empties the brain and lets the creative juices flow freely again.
Hope these help! Saying you have writer's/artist's block is only an excuse if you let it be an excuse. But recognizing and finding solutions to these blocks can help you become a better writer/artist.
Only you'll know the truth as to why you're not working the way you want.
How do you deal with a "block" in your creative flow? Share it here on the Dealio.
I believe that writer's block/artist's block are real issues and not just excuses to not work on a project. When someone finds a "hiccup" in their creative work, I believe it stems from over thinking/over working on a project, concept, etc. I agree with what the others have written about taking a break from, or working through these moments as good solutions - rather than completely abandoning a project.
A good example of "writer's block" is the film, Adaptation, written by Charlie and Donald Kaufman. Nicolas Cage's performance as Charlie (and Donald) Kaufman really illustrates the difficulties and frustrations writers (and in my opinion creative people) go through.
It's definitely a psychological thing - to burn out, doubt ones ideas, get stuck, be indecisive, etc.
There are several different solutions I have for myself when I'm creatively blocked:
1) Stop working on the project and sit in silence somewhere peaceful, letting my mind wander. I can't tell you how many times this has worked for me to break through the barriers. Sometimes there is just too much noise going around in my head, but if I am still for awhile the ideas flow. Definitely my #1 solution.
2) Take a break from the project and play music. I play piano/guitar, so sometimes just zoning out on playing music helps me get my brain back on track.
3) Talking about the ideas with others. Sometimes hearing other people talk about what I'm trying to do inspires a new idea or confirms an old one. This technique has helped me quite often.
4) Sucking it up and pushing forward. Depending on the project, sometimes I just push through the "block" and hope that eventually I'll get to the good stuff. This is hard to do, but it has worked on some occasions. Mostly on writing projects.
5) Reviewing old work or others work as inspiration. Darcy mentioned this one, as well, and it's worth writing here again. Sometimes I have found pieces of gold in old pages/old music that bring new roads of creativity. Same with others work. Seeing/reading/hearing what others have produced can be refreshing and reset a one track mind that doesn't seem to be going anywhere that it needs to be.
6) Running. Rather than sitting still, sometimes going for a long, hard run empties the brain and lets the creative juices flow freely again.
Hope these help! Saying you have writer's/artist's block is only an excuse if you let it be an excuse. But recognizing and finding solutions to these blocks can help you become a better writer/artist.
Only you'll know the truth as to why you're not working the way you want.
How do you deal with a "block" in your creative flow? Share it here on the Dealio.
Weekend Media Review
I've been catching up on tons of media over the last year and I figured I should start recording what I've watched/listened to here on the dealio, so we can exchange thoughts and ideas.
Rating System: Scale of 1 - 10
Examples of The Dealio Scale:
A 10/10 would be something like - There Will Be Blood, The Godfather II, Man on Wire, Waltz with Bashir, Eluvium - An Accidental Memory in the Case of Death, Sigur Ros - ALL, South Park - the later seasons, Soundtrack to the Assassination of Jesse James, etc...
A 1/10 would be along the lines of - Wet Hot American Summer, The Tracey Fragments, Half Nelson, Be Kind Rewind, Bon Jovi - ALL, Britney Spears - ALL, Kath & Kim, the news, etc...

1) Terminator - 6
2) Terminator 2 - 8
3) Role Models - 4
1) South Park - Season 8: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - 8
2) American Dad - Season 4: 12 - 6
3) Family Guy - Season 7: 8 - 5
3) Simpsons - Season 20: 12 - 7
1) Helios - Eingya, Unomia - 9
2) Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works - 10
3) Amon Tobin's Cujo - Adventures in Foam - 8
Rating System: Scale of 1 - 10
Examples of The Dealio Scale:
A 10/10 would be something like - There Will Be Blood, The Godfather II, Man on Wire, Waltz with Bashir, Eluvium - An Accidental Memory in the Case of Death, Sigur Ros - ALL, South Park - the later seasons, Soundtrack to the Assassination of Jesse James, etc...
A 1/10 would be along the lines of - Wet Hot American Summer, The Tracey Fragments, Half Nelson, Be Kind Rewind, Bon Jovi - ALL, Britney Spears - ALL, Kath & Kim, the news, etc...

1) Terminator - 6
2) Terminator 2 - 8
3) Role Models - 4
1) South Park - Season 8: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - 8
2) American Dad - Season 4: 12 - 6
3) Family Guy - Season 7: 8 - 5
3) Simpsons - Season 20: 12 - 7
1) Helios - Eingya, Unomia - 9
2) Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works - 10
3) Amon Tobin's Cujo - Adventures in Foam - 8
Friday, March 6, 2009
Daylight Saving Time = Superhero: Spring Forward!
We're all going to lose an hour of sleep tomorrow evening (not like that is anything new for me considering my sleeping patterns as of late), but what's the dealio with DST - Daylight Saving Time?
After a little research, I found out that DST dates back to the early 1900s as a way to conserve energy during WWI. It wasn't a very popular suggestion at first, however. Here's the dealio: by implementing DST the beautiful sunlight would not be wasted and the amount of electricity used during "working hours" would be significantly reduced.

Why the controversy? Changing the clocks, which actually doesn't happen everywhere in the world, can make scheduling a bit more complicated. Broadcasts, travel itineraries, computers, medical equipment, etc...can all be negatively affected by springing forward or falling back one hour. Not only does DST save energy, but studies have shown that DST actually saves lives by reducing crime and car accidents! More details in my research link above.

Personally, I've always enjoyed falling back more than springing forward.
What do you think about DST? Remember, spring forward at 2 am this Sunday, March 8th! Interested in learning more about the history of time? Click HERE.
After a little research, I found out that DST dates back to the early 1900s as a way to conserve energy during WWI. It wasn't a very popular suggestion at first, however. Here's the dealio: by implementing DST the beautiful sunlight would not be wasted and the amount of electricity used during "working hours" would be significantly reduced.

Why the controversy? Changing the clocks, which actually doesn't happen everywhere in the world, can make scheduling a bit more complicated. Broadcasts, travel itineraries, computers, medical equipment, etc...can all be negatively affected by springing forward or falling back one hour. Not only does DST save energy, but studies have shown that DST actually saves lives by reducing crime and car accidents! More details in my research link above.

Personally, I've always enjoyed falling back more than springing forward.
What do you think about DST? Remember, spring forward at 2 am this Sunday, March 8th! Interested in learning more about the history of time? Click HERE.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Watchmen Reviews - Have YOU Seen it? Should I?
Lots of commercials on NBC tonight for The Watchmen. I've had a copy of the comic book for months - still haven't read it - but, I am considering going to see the movie. Give me the dealio and let me know if you think it's worth it...leave comments on this post with your thoughts. Thanks!

leah demilio,
the dealio,
the watchmen,
watchmen reviews
A Day in the Life...
in 3 pictures.
After spending the day researching and working online, I took run #2 at the Rose Bowl. Felt much better this time around. I'll be ready for the 1/2 in no time! That's my emergency towel that came in handy for some stretching post-run. Like Towlie always says, "Don't forget to bring a towel!"

On my way home from FedEx I saw this sign on the corner of the intersection and it caught my eye...maybe I have been watching too much South Park.

After running 3.3 miles, I wasn't in the mood to cook my own food, so I stopped by Vegan Plate in Studio City. This is one of my favorite Thai places in the neighborhood. I pretty much get the same thing every time I go - the yellow curry dinner with soy chicken. It's delicious and seems pretty healthy, though I actually don't know the details on yellow curry. I didn't eat the spring roll. So I think I'm alright.
Now, I'm home researching some more...leave some comments to entertain me - please!

On my way home from FedEx I saw this sign on the corner of the intersection and it caught my eye...maybe I have been watching too much South Park.

After running 3.3 miles, I wasn't in the mood to cook my own food, so I stopped by Vegan Plate in Studio City. This is one of my favorite Thai places in the neighborhood. I pretty much get the same thing every time I go - the yellow curry dinner with soy chicken. It's delicious and seems pretty healthy, though I actually don't know the details on yellow curry. I didn't eat the spring roll. So I think I'm alright.
Now, I'm home researching some more...leave some comments to entertain me - please!
full throttle,
leah demilio,
mahalo daily,
rose bowl,
south park,
thai food,
the dealio,
vegan plate
Check out the Synched Up Show!
I had the pleasure of working with Rich DeMuro in today's episode of the Synched Up Show - click on this LINK to check it out! Let me know what you think! Thanks again to Rich for inviting me on the show!
leah demilio,
mahalo daily,
rich demuro,
synched up show,
the dealio
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Wow - tonight has been website basics 101 for me. I'm learning so much! If you don't know @daynah - follow her stat! She's one of the most awesome people online and quite frankly in the world :)

Here we are at Twestival LA 2009. Thanks @daynah! I love nice people.

Here we are at Twestival LA 2009. Thanks @daynah! I love nice people.
leah demilio,
nice people,
the dealio,
Monday, March 2, 2009
One of my Favorite Quotations
An inspiring quotation for the evening...please share your reaction/thoughts/feelings...
"Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexatious to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy." -Max Ehrman
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexatious to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy." -Max Ehrman
leah demilio,
the dealio,
Top 50 Announced
Thanks again for all your support during my pursuit for the best job in the world! Unfortunately, I was not short-listed, but here is the link for you to see who made it to the top 50! I'm curious to see who will win! The amount of feedback and support I received from my friends, family, and fans was amazing. Thank you all so much.
Top 50:
Thanks again for all your support during my pursuit for the best job in the world! Unfortunately, I was not short-listed, but here is the link for you to see who made it to the top 50! I'm curious to see who will win! The amount of feedback and support I received from my friends, family, and fans was amazing. Thank you all so much.
Top 50:
Today @ 4 pm PST...
It's 3 am on Monday, March 2 and I am wide awake! I'm so excited to see who is going to make it into the top 50 for the Best Job in the World! You know I'll be posting results here - one way or the other - so be sure to check back in the afternoon today when you get a chance :)
Anyway, here's the dealio on my weekend:
Friday night: I went to a screening of the film County Line at Art Center in Pasadena. Very good student project, shot in Eastern Texas last summer. The acting was excellent and the piece was put together quite well. A big round of applause for the cast and crew of this film. Well done.
Saturday: I slept in a bit, caught up with some friends back in Ohio, went for a sunset run at the Rose Bowl, made dinner, watched Eyes Wide Shut and a couple episodes of South Park, and fell asleep relatively early for a Saturday night - its been a long couple of weeks.

Artsy oil in pan
Sunday: started the day with a full body workout, grocery shopping, online researching, cleaning, cooking dinner, more South Park, finished the BBC's Shallow Seas, and I can't sleep...

The stars of Planet Earth: Shallow Seas
Overall, a nice and relaxing weekend mostly catching up with chores at home - looking forward to the week starting tomorrow - LOTS TO DO!
Anyway, here's the dealio on my weekend:
Friday night: I went to a screening of the film County Line at Art Center in Pasadena. Very good student project, shot in Eastern Texas last summer. The acting was excellent and the piece was put together quite well. A big round of applause for the cast and crew of this film. Well done.
Saturday: I slept in a bit, caught up with some friends back in Ohio, went for a sunset run at the Rose Bowl, made dinner, watched Eyes Wide Shut and a couple episodes of South Park, and fell asleep relatively early for a Saturday night - its been a long couple of weeks.

Artsy oil in pan
Sunday: started the day with a full body workout, grocery shopping, online researching, cleaning, cooking dinner, more South Park, finished the BBC's Shallow Seas, and I can't sleep...

The stars of Planet Earth: Shallow Seas
Overall, a nice and relaxing weekend mostly catching up with chores at home - looking forward to the week starting tomorrow - LOTS TO DO!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
2 More Days
As you've probably heard and/or read, over 34,000 people from 200 countries applied for the "Best Job in the World" to be Island Caretaker in the Great Barrier Reef. The responsibilities of this position are to blog, vlog and work with the media about his/her experience on the islands, in addition to feeding the fish, getting the mail, cleaning the pool and various other tasks around the place. Tomorrow, Monday, March 2 they will announce the 50 shortlisted applicants, who will then be narrowed down to the top 11.
If you haven't checked out my video yet, please take a couple minutes of your day to watch, rate, and comment. I'll be posting here tomorrow letting you know whether or not I made the top 50!
Click here:

Keep the positive thoughts and good energy coming this way! I appreciate all of your interest and support!
Much love!
If you haven't checked out my video yet, please take a couple minutes of your day to watch, rate, and comment. I'll be posting here tomorrow letting you know whether or not I made the top 50!
Click here:

Keep the positive thoughts and good energy coming this way! I appreciate all of your interest and support!
Much love!
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