just another manic monday at rocketboom. today was mostly a day of organizing and emails. i also got a crash course on the panasonic hpx 170. feel much better about operating that thing. molly and i shot 4 episodes yesterday, which i call a 9/10 for productivity. we're getting ready for our trip out to LA april 8 - 12 for the streamy awards. our calendar is already filling up for our time out west, but if you have any suggestions please leave them in a comment below. rocketboom and know your meme were nominated (3 nominations total). ooh, i got to use snaps pro today for an upcoming casual friday. the man's voice always scares me a bit and the panic sets in after he calls action. at least i recorded in 30 frames this time and not 10. tried spicy hot chocolate today at jacques torres down the street. wicked chocolate is what they call it. it's delicious and i recommend trying some if you're in the area. i should probably go to bed now since i have to be back to work at 8:30 a.m. leave me something entertaining for the morning. i dare ya.
Something entertaining, eh?
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...Too bizarre/random? LOL